Monday, April 29, 2013


Blackie's thoughts.

"My human gave my a bone! My favourite thing!" (Ed. note, although Blackie is my gf's dog, she's totally glommed on to me, to the near exclusion of all else. Probably because I pay attention to her and give her food. Or possibly because I have this animal magnetism.)

"Oh boy! The bone is filled with peanut butter! My favourite thing!"
Slurp, slurp, slurp, lick lick lick, chomp chomp.

"Oh bone, why do you vex me? I can't get to all the peanut butter! I must lick more!"
Slurp, slurp, slurp, lick lick lick, chomp chomp.

"What was that? My human tells me I am a good girl. I wag my tail and smile!" (Ed. note, my gf told Blackie to be quiet, she was making too much noise chewing on her bone.)

"My favourite thing! My human looked at me! I roll over so he can pet me! Then he spoke to me and told me I was smart and smelled nice!" (Ed note, pretty much the opposite of what was just said. Still, she can't help being a dumb dog.)

"Back to my favourite thing, my Bone!"

"Oh! My favourite thing again! My human tell me I am smart and it's bedtime! Also my favourite thing! I walk gracefully into my crate for bedtime."

(Ed. note, she whacked her head on the door to her crate on the way in.)

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